Buttare le noci nella pentola con le foglie di alloro: cosa succede 5 minuti dopo la cottura?


Once this is done, we take the liquid and sprinkle it on our heads. This will help us fight hair loss and baldness as the properties of these ingredients tend to strengthen the skin.

This is because walnuts are rich in vitamin B5, which, among other things, accelerates hair growth by slowing the appearance of gray hair, and is also rich in selenium.

This element is essential for those who suffer from dandruff as it prevents and tends to reduce dandruff, while bay leaves tend to strengthen the scalp and hair roots and stimulate their growth.

Cinnamon, in turn, has a vasodilator effect and therefore tends to increase blood pressure, as does apple cider vinegar, which cleans the hair follicles by carrying out an antiseptic and disinfectant action.

In this way we obtain a completely natural and effective hair treatment.

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